



Sem duvida que os sapatos são a loucura, o desejo de qualquer mulher que gosta de moda, de andar nas alturas ou simplesmente com os pés bem decorados.. Eu, adoro cunhas, plataformas e sabrinas! Tenho uma paixao desmedida por sabrinas...Sao tao elegantes e tão ladylike.

There's no doubt that shoes are the insanity, and the desire of many women who love fashion, to walk on the clouds or just because they want to be with their feet well decorated. I love wedges, pltaforms and ballerinas! I have some kind of passion for ballerinas, they are so elegant and so ladylike. hope you like it. 

2 comentários:

  1. wooww I want all those shoes :)

    Visit my new blog :D


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    Kind regards, Valerie
