

Apos um periodo de aulas, chegaram as férias!
E faltam 4 dias para o Natal! :) Presentinhos, e tudo aquilo que ele tras!
Adoro este tempo, frio, lareira, bolos, vinho tinto, chocolates.......hmmmmm...delicia!

I Love stripes!

Stella Mcartney camisola; D&G casaco; vestido cinza; Vestido Kristopher Kane; vestido vermelho Alexander Mcqueen.


A new start.

Today, I finally decided to create my blog. This weather makes me feel so strange, maybe because of the rain, I don't know.... Well, this stuff it's just to tell you that my english it's not good enough to express all of my ideas, but I'll do my best!

All of this clothes are vintage.